Saturday, March 27, 2010

Keep those Six Pack Abs with these Tips

Already have those head-turning flat abs and want to keep it that way? Click here for tips on how to stay in shape and keep six pack abs that people envy.

Know what and what not to eat

  • Stay away from soft drinks. They contain seriously large amount of acids and sugar. Try milk, juice, and flavored water as alternative.
  • Cut back on junk foods. Instead of chips, ice cream, chocolate, eat fruits for snacks. You'll see what huge difference it will make on your body shape and your health. This will maintain your flat stomach abs.
  • Have all that's important. During meals, one or more of the following should be present: lean proteins (meat, nuts, and beans), fruits, vegetables, and starch-rich foods like wheat, bread, and grains. These foodstuffs provide satiety faster and longer; so they allow you to be much fuller just from eating less.

Dance, run, jog, and walk

Do these for at least 30 minutes for 5 days a week. Increasing your heart rate would raise your metabolism. In return, more heat is produced for you to continually lose belly fat. Crunches must be done daily in order for you to keep fabulous abs.

Vary your routines each month by focusing on three things, your upper abdomen, lower abdomen, and your obliques. You can perform crunches, leg raises and side bends to enhance the muscles in those areas This would surely enhance your six pack abs.

Lift some weights

Maintaining stomach abs is a great thing, but toning up your whole body is another. Do some light weight lifting and a number of basic resistance trainings. And if you can still manage, try lifting heavier weights. It will intensify your muscle and also add charisma to your overall appearance.

Remember, consistency is the key. You must be committed to reaching your goals in order to succeed. Be consistent in keeping a healthy and well-toned body, a happy heart, and six pack abs that you will appreciate and and others would adore.

Want more tips on how you can lose belly fat and get six pack abs? Learn the Truth About Six Pack Abs by clicking here.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to Have Flat Stomach Abs with Abdominal Exercises

Do you envy people at the beach or gym with ripped abs?

If six pack abs are something you desperately want to have, then you'd like to check out these tips on getting flat stomach abs.

Practice basic ab workouts. This will not only make you lose belly fat, it will also make your legs firmer and stronger for running. There are several exercises you can do to to tone your abs.

Ball props, one of the equipments you could at home, could greatly help you in working out the abs. Crunches, using a large exercise ball, can greatly assist you in developing those abdominal muscles, compared to standard crunches. This is because, in using a ball, you will require much of the activity of your abdominal muscles to stabilize the torso while gaining balance on the ball, thus increasing their strength and flexibility.

Which would be more effective in giving you six pack abs, sit-ups or crunches? The truth is crunches are much more effective than the former.

In sit-ups, the primary goal is to pull the thighs closer to the torso. By doing so, there is a lot of muscle action going on in your loin muscles (psoas muscles) and NOT on your abdominal muscles. If you really desire to gain shape and have flat abs, use crunches instead. This is due to the fact that they directly work your abs up.

So what are the best ab exercises that you can start with? This depends on how you feel comfortable with in terms of your fitness level, those that could maximize your abdominal muscles and also enhance your health.

Here are some ab exercises you can do:

  • Traditional (Basic) Ab Crunch, Crossover Crunch
  • Oblique Crunch
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Bicycle Crunch Exercise
  • Long Arm Crunch
  • Vertical Leg Crunch
  • Captain’s Chair Exercise
  • Plank (Hover) Exercise
  • Half Curl
  • V-sit exercise
  • Ab Crunch on an Exercise Ball
Keep in mind that you should not solely rely on these basic exercises to have six pack abs. Two significant areas that you should focus on to lose belly fat and to have flat stomach abs are cardiovascular exercises and, of course, a healthy, well-balanced diet.

Getting six pack abs can be easy as 1-2-3 as long as you follow the right tips. Learn more about the truth in achieving flat stomach abs by clicking here.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Going for Flat Abs: 4 Tips to Have Sexy, Healthy Body

Are you looking for stuff you can buy at the grocery store that can help you get six pack abs?

Get tips on how you can become healthy and achieve flat stomach abs.

Tip # 1 Plunge into foods that burn fats

Also known as negative calorie foods, these type of diet intensifies the fuel or energy value of food. Calories are not entirely bad, they are actually elements present in food that produce such an amount of energy that is in turn, used to burn fat, to lose belly fat, and gain those sexy six pack abs.

Consequently, with the intake of fat burning foods, you may need to ingest more calories to burn more fat. Therefore, by including these fat burning foods in your daily diet, you actually lose more calories (making use of their nutritional value) than you gain thus burning belly fat. Examples of fat-burning foods are fruits, vegetables, protein-rich and fiber-rich foods.

Tip # 2 Record what you eat

One way to get to where you want to be is by knowing where you are at the moment. Begin to track what you are actually eating by monitoring and logging them in a notebook. This will allow you to be knowledgeable on how much carbohydrate, protein, and fat you are actually eating. A generally healthful diet contains approximately 60 to 65 percent carbohydrate, 15 percent protein, and less than 30 percent fat.

By keeping a log, you could clearly plot what your specific goals are and what measures you must take to gain that healthy body and have those flat stomach abs.

Tip # 4 Know what not to eat

Knowing what you should consume daily is one thing, but also being well educated on the foods you shouldn’t take abuse of is another. As we all know, everything in excess is bad. Certain foodstuffs are bad for the health because they contain more than the normal amount of certain elements, i.e. calories. Examples of foods we should not eat too much of are doughnuts, fast-food hamburgers, ice cream, cookies, potato chips, fried chicken, white bread, and of course soft drinks.

The most important tip of all to is try to make healthy choices whenever possible. When it comes to choosing, choose what’s best for your body shape and most of all for your health.

You can lose belly fat effectively with specific exercises twice or thrice a week. Click here to learn more about it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Losing Belly Fat: The Importance of Exercise in Getting Sexy, Flat Abs

Frustrated because your bikini never gets out of your closet? Hopeless because all the exercise to lose belly fat seem to be all in vain?

Click here to discover the solution.

Fret no more. Having to lose your belly fat and claiming six pack abs won’t be just a fantasy anymore. This would not be an easy ride. Difficulties are present because it means we are serious, putting our whole heart out, for earning the privilege to have a healthy, well-toned, and sexy-looking body.

Never mind those superstitious tips you’ve bet yourselves on but still aren’t making any promises come true. Now is the time to set your mind on the things that are possible and doable. Get six pack abs with the help of cardio exercises.

Keep in mind that exercising and training yourself physically should involve an intelligent and precise work-out strategies that will give promising outcomes.

Jump rope, stair runs, jumping jacks, squat-thrusts and mountain climbs are just a few of the aerobic exercises you need to work out to help lose belly fat and find your way to having those six pack abs you had been craving for. Breathing in large amounts of energy can actually lead to increased body heat thus the sweating.

To have effective results, don’t concentrate only on getting your flat abs done. Make the muscles in your arms, legs, back, and glutes fit for the job. Remember, fitness requires intelligence. Go for gold and aim for a complete body vigor.

Not only will aerobic exercise enhance your cardio fitness and dismiss body fat, it will also boost your flexibility and muscle and bone strength. Plus, you will find yourself energized throughout the day with a lower level of stress.

Finally, as you keep yourself occupied in keeping fit with exercises, your blood pressure and cholesterol levels will normalize decreasing any chance of acquiring heart diseases and strokes.

The Truth About Abs system
is for anyone and generally the exercises take 40-45 minutes 2 to 3 times a week to do. Getting ripped abs is easy with the help of The Truth About Abs System.

Check Out The Truth About Abs System

Monday, March 15, 2010

Secrets to Getting Flat Abs Revealed!

Tried different ab exercises but still no flat abs? Are you desperate to have that layer of belly fat gone in no time?

Well, here's something that will help.

As you surf the Internet and watch countless commercials on TV about the truth about getting six pack abs, you have to figure it and understand that mere exercises, seriously, won't do the job.

Getting firm abdominal muscles lies on two fundamental things: a healthy diet plan and a consistent cardio work-out.

Nothing beats the classics. You may find yourself performing crunches and ab exercises with ball props. Those equipment may have been doing all the work for you, and they probably are the ones losing all those weight for you. Get in line with the best ways possible: improve your heart and breathing rate and kick bad eating habits and start eating healthy.

Focus on what you eat.

If your diet composed mainly of beer, chips, doughnuts, and ice cream, I assure you, you won't go anywhere in getting those ripped six pack abs. A proper diet consists of fruits, vegetables, protein-rich, and fiber-rich foods. Minerals and vitamins are also essential.

Calories are not actually bad for you, that is if you are working on a flat stomach. As a matter of fact, you need calories because they are the source of energy in the process of burning fat. What is important it that you must learn how many calories you need to eat to maintain your desired weight, and how much you should hold back from to lose weight.

Get on with cardio

To allow your heart to pump blood faster and your lungs to breathe air more efficiently, you must start on getting on with cardiovascular exercises.

Running, walking, jogging, sprinting, rock climbing, bicycling, and other cardio exercises allows you to increase your internal body heat, perspire more, thus metabolize faster. Therefore, the burning process of unwanted belly fat would be enhanced, giving yourself those sexy and strong stomach abs.

Flat stomach abs are not difficult to have as long as you know how to achieve them right. You can learn more on the Truth About Six Pack Abs and discover easy, 40-minute exercises that will help you get ripped in no time.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Flat Abs - Secrets to Achieving Six Pack Abs the Natural Way

There is no better way to maintain a healthy body and achieve six pack abs than doing it the natural way: eat right and live right.

To have those six pack abs everyone is so jealous of, learn about the best diet. Consume the right types and amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Eat on time; don't skip meals.

So if you are in the running to show off your lean, mean, and toned abs, you've just found yourself in the right website. The succeeding tips will open your eyes to the right type of diet one should have to be healthy, lowering the risks of illnesses and diseases, and to improve your shape by waving goodbye to all those unwanted belly fat and saying hello to flat and hot abs.

Tip#1 Delight in Fruits and Vegetables.

Start with the basics. Mango, papaya, apples, watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, and grapefruit are highly suggested to be included in and between your meals. Fruits are known to contain zero cholesterol. Fruit intake helps you lose weight, in general, including your belly fat and lets you win those six-pack flat stomach abs.

The same goes with vegetables, such as broccoli, celery, radish, onion, garlic, spinach green beans, asparagus, cabbage, lettuce carrot, turnip, radish, and cauliflower. Both foods are very low in fat and low in calories. They would normally lessen your appetite. They are rich sources of vitamins and minerals that would satisfy your body's requirements with decreased food intake, helps regulate bowel movement, and aids in reducing feelings of tiredness by maintaining your energy at steady levels.

Tip#2 Love proteins.

Protein is an important part of our daily diet and it should be consumed every day. Protein-rich foods include eggs, lean turkey/chicken, milk and cheese, tuna, and salmon . These are very much effective in burning fat, so you could lose belly fat in no time. The body requires larger amounts o calories to process protein that carbohydrates and fat.

Expert nutritionists recommend that we eat 2 - 3 servings of dairy produce per day, 2 - 3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, shellfish or pulses a day, and that 10 - 15% of our calorie intake should be composed of protein.

Tip#3 Make friends with fibers.

Fiber is a carbohydrate found in plant foods. Examples of good sources of fibers are barley, rice, corn, oats, legumes, apples, pears, citrus fruits, bananas, carrots, dried plums, cranberries, seeds, and seaweed. Fruits are also good sources of fibers.

What they can do to help you lose belly fat and have those astonishing flat abs is the ability of fibers to limit the number of calories you would consume. It makes you eat less every meal however, feeling already full. This is due to the fact that fiber rich foods take longer time to digest. The American Dietetic Association recommends that a healthy diet include 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day.

Can't wait to have lean and ripped stomach? Learn The Truth About Six Pack Abs and find out how you can achieve the flat and toned stomach you've always wanted.

Get Flat and Firm Six Pack Abs with these 5 Cardio Exercises

Been wanting to have flat, toned stomach and six pack abs ready to showoff to everyone?

One of the most effective ways to do it is to have regular cardiovascular exercises. They are remarkably important because if executed correctly, they can increase your metabolism rate and the body’s internal heat.

The following are helpful activities to discharge those calories, lose belly fat, and finally have those gorgeous, firm six pack abs.

1. Walking

30 minutes of walking can instantly burn 180 calories. Brisk walking is highly recommended; added with a few minutes of jogging, and sprints to burn those belly fat. Just remember to keep your head up, back straight, and arms swinging to your sides.

2. Running

One of the best activities someone can do, regardless of their purpose or motivation, is to run. Everyone can do it without any special gears. Running burns high amounts of calories, 300 in just 30 minutes on the average.

3. Bicycling

You can never go wrong with biking. It gives healthy and efficient cardio work-ups that shows its way to having your abs flat and strong. Not only that, it will also enhance the power and endurance of your leg muscles. The number of calories burnt ranges from 250-500 in 30 minutes.

4. Swimming

Generally, swimming involves working out all the parts of your body. It is not only good for the heart but also to improve the proper breathing of the lungs. When more parts of your body is stretched and used, the more calories you could burn. 400 calories can be burnt in 30 minutes spent in swimming. It will greatly help lose belly fat and give you ripped abs.

5. Aerobics

Aerobics are physical exercise programs that can help reduce your body weight. It burns belly fat by temporarily raising your heart and breathing rate. This not only is your cardiovascular health enhanced but also your flexibility, muscle and bone strength, and posture. Aerobics, during high intensity sessions, can burn almost 400 calories in 30 minutes.

Want to know how you can get six pack abs the effective way? Learn the Truth About Six Pack Abs and see how easy it is to sculpt your midsection.