Know what and what not to eat
- Stay away from soft drinks. They contain seriously large amount of acids and sugar. Try milk, juice, and flavored water as alternative.
- Cut back on junk foods. Instead of chips, ice cream, chocolate, eat fruits for snacks. You'll see what huge difference it will make on your body shape and your health. This will maintain your flat stomach abs.
- Have all that's important. During meals, one or more of the following should be present: lean proteins (meat, nuts, and beans), fruits, vegetables, and starch-rich foods like wheat, bread, and grains. These foodstuffs provide satiety faster and longer; so they allow you to be much fuller just from eating less.
Dance, run, jog, and walk
Do these for at least 30 minutes for 5 days a week. Increasing your heart rate would raise your metabolism. In return, more heat is produced for you to continually lose belly fat. Crunches must be done daily in order for you to keep fabulous abs.Vary your routines each month by focusing on three things, your upper abdomen, lower abdomen, and your obliques. You can perform crunches, leg raises and side bends to enhance the muscles in those areas This would surely enhance your six pack abs.
Lift some weights
Maintaining stomach abs is a great thing, but toning up your whole body is another. Do some light weight lifting and a number of basic resistance trainings. And if you can still manage, try lifting heavier weights. It will intensify your muscle and also add charisma to your overall appearance.Remember, consistency is the key. You must be committed to reaching your goals in order to succeed. Be consistent in keeping a healthy and well-toned body, a happy heart, and six pack abs that you will appreciate and and others would adore.
Want more tips on how you can lose belly fat and get six pack abs? Learn the Truth About Six Pack Abs by clicking here.